Decreased bone density - Elite Hormone Health

What is decreased bone density?

Decreased bone density, also known as osteopenia or osteoporosis, is a condition where the bones become weaker and more prone to fractures. This happens when bone tissue is lost faster than it can be replaced. Some common causes are:

Some symptoms of decreased bone density include:

While bone density loss is largely irreversible, further progression can be slowed through lifestyle changes, medication, and even targeted hormone therapy.

Speaking of hormones, Elite Hormone Health specializes in treating age/menopause related hormonal imbalances and reduced bone density. Our expert physicians will thoroughly assess your health and risk factors to design a personalized treatment. We use cutting edge bioidentical hormone supplements and forward-thinking regimens to strengthen bones and resolve symptoms effectively. I'd be happy to schedule you a comprehensive evaluation.

Some preventative things you can try at home include:

Please let me know if you have any other questions! I'm always happy to provide reliable health information and point you to helpful resources. Decreased bone density is an all-too-common but very manageable condition with today's medical advancements. There are many options to halt bone loss and improve bone health for stronger, fracture-resistant bones well into old age! Take the first step by scheduling a checkup with me. 😊

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