Decreased libido - Elite Hormone Health

What is decreased libido?

Decreased libido, or low sex drive, occurs when an individual experiences a lower interest in sexual activity than is normal for them. This can negatively impact romantic relationships and a person's quality of life. Some key points about decreased libido include:


There are many potential causes of decreased libido, such as:


In addition to lack of interest in sex, other symptoms of decreased libido include:


The good news is decreased libido can often be treated with lifestyle changes, sex therapy, medications, medical devices, or hormones from clinics like Elite Hormone Health( Some treatment options include:

I hope this overview on decreased libido was helpful! Let me know if you have any other questions. Elite Hormone Health also offers free 15-minute consultations if you are dealing with libido issues and think you could benefit from hormone testing or treatment. Just visit their website or call to schedule.

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