DHEA - Elite Hormone Health

What is DHEA?

DHEA, short for dehydroepiandrosterone, is an important hormone that is produced naturally in the body by the adrenal glands. DHEA levels peak in our 20s and 30s, after which they decline with age. This hormone is considered to be a “parent hormone” because it can convert into other key hormones in the body like testosterone and estrogen.

Some key facts about DHEA:

What Does DHEA Do in the Body?

DHEA is involved in many important processes that influence our daily health including:

Essentially, maintaining youthful DHEA levels as we age can promote graceful aging across many areas.

Signs Your DHEA May Be Low

Some symptoms that your DHEA production may be declining faster than it should:

If you are experiencing any persistent symptoms like these as you get older, have your DHEA levels tested. This requires a simple blood test that can be ordered by your doctor.

Boost your health with professional DHEA supplementation today!

Should You Take DHEA Supplements?

If your test results show declining DHEA for your age group, taking 25-50mg per day of a high quality DHEA supplement can safely bring your levels back up. This should only be done under professional supervision given DHEA’s powerful effects in the body.

Our hormone specialists at Elite Hormone Health offer integrated treatment plans involving DHEA supplementation tailored to your unique hormonal needs for optimal aging. We also provide testing and monitoring during treatment. (menopausesymptoms.info) to learn more!

In Summary:

I hope this overview on the importance of maintaining DHEA for graceful aging gives you something to consider on your own anti-aging wellness journey! Let me know if you have any other questions.

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