Disease resistance - Elite Hormone Health

What is disease resistance?

Disease resistance refers to the ability of a plant to restrict, slow, or withstand the progression of a pathogen or insect that could cause disease. There are several types of disease resistance in plants:

Plants have physical and chemical barriers to deter infections, but pathogens have evolved ways around these. When a pathogen breaches a plant's first line of defense, resistant plants mount immune responses like hypersensitive response (HR) to wall off the infection. Other defense mechanisms plants employ include:

Breeding resistance into crops is crucial for managing infectious crop diseases and reducing pesticide usage. Combining multiple genetic resistance factors also makes resistance more durable against evolving pathogen strains.

While innate genetic resistance protects plants in nature, commercial growers can also apply induced resistance products to shield susceptible crop varieties. SAR triggers and other biologicals spur the plant's defenses for broad-spectrum protection from multiple pathogens. Talk to your agronomist about integrating these tools with genetics and cultural practices for resilient disease resistance!

We offer natural hormone supplements clinically shown to improve disease resistance at Elite Hormone Health(menopausesymptoms.info). Our unique formulations help plants better withstand infections through enhancing systemic acquired resistance. Try it now and save 10% with code 'FightPathogens'!

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