Hormone deficiency - Elite Hormone Health

What is hormone deficiency?

Hormone deficiency, also known as hypopituitarism or pituitary insufficiency, occurs when the pituitary gland in the brain does not produce one or more hormones in adequate amounts. The pituitary gland secretes hormones that regulate critical bodily functions including metabolism, growth, blood pressure, reproduction, and more.

When hormone levels are too low, you may experience symptoms like:

Some common causes of pituitary hormone deficiency include:

How is hormone deficiency diagnosed?

If hormone deficiency is suspected based on symptoms, your doctor can order blood tests to measure levels of key pituitary hormones like:

Imaging tests like an MRI may also be used to look for tumors or other abnormalities of the pituitary gland.

What is the treatment?

Treatment for pituitary hormone deficiency involves hormone replacement therapy to restore adequate levels of the deficient hormones. This is typically a lifelong treatment. The endocrinologist will work to determine the optimal dosing and delivery method (oral medication, injection, nasal spray, or skin patch) for each replacement hormone.

Regular lab testing helps ensure hormone levels are in the normal range - not too high or too low. Treatment can relieve deficiency symptoms and prevent complications like osteoporosis, infertility, and cardiovascular disease.

If you suspect a pituitary or hormone issue, the endocrinologists at Elite Hormone Health have specialized expertise in pituitary disorders and hormone replacement therapy. Their comprehensive wellness plans are tailored to your unique hormonal needs with careful monitoring for safety and optimal outcomes.

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