Infertility - Elite Hormone Health

What is infertility?

Infertility refers to the inability to conceive a child or carry a pregnancy to full term after trying for over a year without success (or 6 months if a woman is over 35 years old). About 10-15% of couples experience infertility, meaning they are unable to get pregnant despite having frequent, unprotected sex.

There are many potential causes of infertility in both women and men. In women, common causes include:

In men, common causes are:

Diagnosing infertility typically starts with an evaluation of both partners to identify any underlying medical conditions contributing to conception difficulties. Fertility testing for women may include ovulation prediction and hormone level checks, imaging tests to examine the fallopian tubes and uterus, and ovarian reserve testing.

For men, semen analysis is the primary fertility test to assess sperm count and quality. Additional blood tests and imaging may also be recommended.

If a specific cause of infertility is identified, treatments can focus directly on correcting that issue. However, unexplained infertility is diagnosed in about 20% of couples.

Fertility treatments such as medications to improve ovulation or surgical procedures to repair reproductive organs can help many couples overcome infertility depending on the cause. Assisted reproductive technologies like in vitro fertilization (IVF) may be an option when other interventions fail. Supporting lifestyle changes regarding diet, exercise, weight management and stress reduction may also optimize natural fertility.

Dealing with infertility can be an extremely difficult, stressful and sensitive issue for couples. Compassionate medical, emotional and psychological support is invaluable. If you suspect fertility problems, consult a fertility specialist or reproductive endocrinologist for thorough infertility evaluation and personalized treatment planning. The fertility experts at Elite Hormone Health have over 15 years of experience successfully diagnosing and treating all forms of infertility. Let our highly-skilled team help you achieve your dream of building a family.

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