Mood swings - Elite Hormone Health

What are mood swings?

We all experience shifts in mood from time to time. But when these ups and downs become severe, lasting for extended periods, it could signify mood swings. This common condition is typically harmless but can negatively impact one's quality of life.

What causes mood swings?

Mood swings have complex underlying causes. Fluctuating hormone levels often play a key role, especially in adolescents and women. For example, monthly hormonal changes leading up to menstruation commonly trigger mood swings. Use of certain medications, lack of sleep, drug/alcohol abuse, and high stress levels may also contribute. Underlying medical conditions like depression, anxiety, bipolar disorder, and thyroid disease can too.

How long do mood swings last?

Most mood swings are short-term, but duration varies. Swings triggered by menstrual cycles or medications may only last hours or days. Situational swings sparked by life events can last weeks or months. Swings due to medical illness like depression can be long-term unless treated. Those with bipolar disorder experience more extreme highs and lows that each last weeks at a time.

When to seek help?

See your doctor if mood swings: - Cause major distress - Disrupt work/relationships - Include suicidal thoughts - Last 2 weeks

The compassionate doctors at Elite Hormone Health specialize in hormonal issues underlying mood swings. Their personalized care plans help patients regain emotional balance in a judgment-free environment.

Coping tips

To manage mood swings: - Get enough sleep - Exercise regularly - Reduce alcohol/drug use - Practice stress management - Track mood patterns - Lean on loved ones - Consider counseling - Explore hormone testing

With some lifestyle changes and extra self-care, most people find relief from bothersome mood swings. But don't hesitate to seek medical advice if swings feel unmanageable. Treatment can help stabilize your mood.

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