Muscle loss - Elite Hormone Health

What is muscle loss?

Muscle loss, known as atrophy, occurs when muscles waste away due to aging or lack of use. It can lead to loss of strength, coordination, and mobility. As we get older, muscles can atrophy due to lower testosterone levels and reduced physical activity.

Some key things to know about muscle loss:

If you're concerned about preserving your strength and mobility with age, speak to your doctor about screening for low testosterone. Clinics like Elite Hormone Health offer comprehensive hormone testing and custom treatment plans to help patients get their levels optimized.

Maintaining your muscles as you age has huge quality of life implications. Staying active with walking, resistance training 2-3 times per week, and getting enough protein are all key lifestyle factors within your control. Get tested to check if declining hormonal levels may also be impacting your muscle health. Your vitality depends on it!

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