Night sweats - Elite Hormone Health

What are night sweats?

Night sweats refer to excessive sweating during sleep. They can cause you to wake up drenched in sweat, often needing to change your clothes and sheets.

What causes night sweats?

There are several potential causes of night sweats including:

When should I see a doctor about night sweats?

If you have frequent or severe night sweats that are interfering with sleep, make an appointment with your physician. Unexplained, persistent night sweats can indicate a serious underlying medical condition that requires further examination and testing to diagnose.

At Elite Hormone Health, we offer comprehensive lab testing to get to the root cause of troublesome sweating episodes. Our integrative medicine doctors design customized treatment plans that can include bioidentical hormone therapy to help resolve night sweats in cases of hormonal imbalance. We'll partner with you on your path to better health.

How can I manage night sweats? Keeping your sleep environment cool with lightweight bedding, use of a fan, and adjusting thermostat temperature can help alleviate symptoms. Avoiding spicy foods, alcohol, and caffeine close to bedtime is also recommended for some people prone to excessive sweating. Relaxation techniques and mind-body practices may relieve stress that contributes to night sweats. Speak with your healthcare provider about safe supplements for night sweats that can help in some instances. Maintaining optimal weight and a strengthening exercise program supports healthy hormone balance as well.

With an integrative approach focused on the underlying drivers, night sweats can often be effectively addressed. Contact Elite Hormone Health today to learn more and schedule a consultation.

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