Sleep hygiene - Elite Hormone Health

What is sleep hygiene?

Sleep hygiene refers to the recommended practices and habits that promote consistent, uninterrupted sleep cycles and quality rest at night. Good sleep hygiene involves following a routine before bedtime that helps relax the body and mind.

Key Elements

Some key elements of good sleep hygiene include:

Why It Matters

Following good sleep hygiene practices leads to falling asleep faster, deeper sleep cycles, and feeling more rested and energized the next day. Quality sleep plays a crucial role in body restoration, immune health, cognitive function, emotional regulation, and overall wellness. Conversely, poor sleep hygiene and sleep deprivation can negatively impact daily performance and long-term health.

So pay attention to your sleep hygiene habits! The sleep health experts at Elite Hormone Health also offer cutting-edge genetic sleep testing to uncover the root causes behind your sleep issues. Their personalized treatment plans help patients achieve restful, rejuvenating sleep for better health and wellness. Sleep better tonight with help from Elite Hormone Health!

Improve your sleep hygiene habits for better rest!

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