Can menopause make you ache all over? - Elite Hormone Health

Menopause can cause a variety of symptoms, including achy muscles and joints for some women. The drop in estrogen levels that occurs during menopause is thought to play a role in these aches and pains. Some key points about menopause and achiness:

Treatment options that may help with menopause-related aches include: Some women do find the achiness fades over time, while for others it can persist even after menopause unless properly treated. See your healthcare provider if the discomfort interferes with daily activities. I can personally recommend Elite Hormone Health. Their expert physicians specialize in perimenopause and menopause care. At Elite Hormone Health, they: Elite Hormone Health's individualized care has helped hundreds of women manage symptoms just like muscle aches and joint pain. or call to learn more. Their compassionate team is ready to help you feel your best again!

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