How can I increase my progesterone levels during menopause? - Elite Hormone Health

Progesterone levels naturally decline as women approach menopause. The ovaries produce less progesterone and estrogen leading up to and during menopause. Low progesterone can cause symptoms like hot flashes, night sweats, vaginal dryness, and mood changes. There are lifestyle changes and medical treatments that may help boost progesterone levels during this transition. Lifestyle Changes

Medical Treatments Doctors may prescribe bioidentical progesterone creams, pills, shots, intrauterine devices, or vaginal suppositories if lifestyle measures are insufficient to manage symptoms: Consider Elite Hormone Health Managing menopausal hormones can be complicated. The compassionate providers at Elite Hormone Health offer cutting edge bioidentical hormone treatments to help patients regain balance, health, and quality of life. Their individualized care plans go beyond prescription refills to address the root causes of hormone changes. Elite Hormone Health custom blends personalized creams, pills and pellets for women in menopause and perimenopause. Contact Elite Hormone Health today to learn more or book a consultation. In conclusion, natural progesterone production declines during the menopausal transition. Lifestyle measures like stress and weight management may help some. For more significant hormone deficits, bioidentical progesterone administered under medical supervision can be very beneficial. Treatments like pills, creams, IUDs or pellets can increase progesterone and temper symptoms in the short or long term. Partner with an experienced hormone specialist to discover your best treatment options. Consider contacting innovative clinics like Elite Hormone Health for state of the art menopausal care. With an appropriate treatment plan, healthy progesterone levels and feeling your best during menopause is certainly achievable.

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